Seb Patane

Seb Patane (Italia, 1970, vive e trabalha em Londres) Patane creates pared-down artworks and installations from drawings, found imagery and objects, and audio recordings. With source material ranging from Victorian portraits to 1980s avant-garde bands or figures associated with the occult, Patane’s art seeks to distill an object or image to its purest form while using destruction as a means of revealing greater truths. Subtle symbols and references connect his myriad materials, imbuing them with new meaning and revealing a web of subconscious associations. Though much of Patane’s work is visual, he incorporates music when, he says, the visual aspect of his work reaches its limit and music’s performative nature is able to reach the audience in more visceral ways.

Parceria com a SP Arte 2016, OPEN PLAN, exposição curada por Jacopo Crivelli Visconti.

Marcelo Barros